Tips to shift cellulite

Guinot-Minceur-Chrono-Logic-Slimming-abloomnova.net_-1600x1066 Tips to shift cellulite

Cellulite – most women have got it, and while it can be down to weight gain and diet, it’s more likely to be down to good old genetics. When it’s hereditary, it’s hard to shift – but these tips from Instyle are helpful in banishing the orange peel look.

1) Body Brushing. This is the single most effective way to get blood circulating, encourage lymph drainage and smooth the surface of your skin all in one. The three work wonders on cellulite because they help to eliminate toxins and excess fluid that accumulate under the skin’s surface. Aim for daily, pre-shower, always brushing towards your heart.

2) Get Your Burpee On. Moving around will help to shift fluid retention, which will, in turn, reduce the appearance of cellulite. Also, try lying down with your legs raised against a wall after a long day at the office to counteract the effect of time spent sitting at your desk – and reduce the appearance of thigh dimples by draining excess fluid. You could also try one of these butt exercises at home.

3) Ice It. Alternating blasts of icy water and warm water in the shower is another great way to boost circulation and help your lymphatic system out. Scandis are the kings of this technique that they refer to as ‘kneipping’, lauding it for its ability to help keep them svelte and smooth of thigh.

4) Dodge sugar. And salt. And booze. They all contribute to the prevalence of cellulite in their own ways – sugar and salt swell fat cells, making cellulite appear more pronounced, while booze leads to fluid retention, which is the number one enemy of bump-free skin. Check out our guide on how to quit sugar here.

5) Get a massage. Yep: we’re onto the fun stuff – manually pummelling skin is not only relaxing, but it also really does help to shift the pockets of excess fluid that make up cellulite. A good massage has the ancillary benefit of oxygenating your blood, which helps to up your glow and make skin look all-round better.

Guinot Minceur Chrono Logic – Slimming penetrates and combats stubborn cellulite due to its high concentration of active ingredients.

The results are visible after 15 days of use. The skin is firmer and smoother. Using circular movements, apply morning and evening to the areas of concern as an initial intensive 15-day treatment course.

Active component:

  • Cellulysium and Bromelaine: Improve the penetration of active ingredients into the heart of fat cells to aid the slimming process. They curb the development of fat and stimulate the elimination of lipids.

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