Category Archives: Body Care

5 calcium absorption inhibitors you should avoid!

If you want to follow a diet that is varied and balanced, be aware that [...]

You want high-calcium milk? Keep your cows happy!

According to this report, happier cows may give more high calcium milk, according to a new [...]

How a calcium deficiency can cause obesity

Is a calcium deficiency linked to obesity? New research suggests that adults who have a [...]

Calcium tabs fundamental to health in pregnancy

While we have outlined the major roles that calcium has in our bodies, its many [...]

Which is better calcium citrate or calcium carbonate?

Which is better calcium citrate or calcium carbonate? It’s the billion dollar question – but [...]

What’s the best pregnancy calcium supplement?

When you discover you are pregnant, there may be a few lifestyle changes you need [...]

The best ways to increase calcium absorption

Calcium is one of those nutrients that needs a little extra help when it comes [...]

How calcium citrate tablets help hair

Calcium citrate tablets can do more than just address health issues inside the body. They [...]

The amazing calcium benefits for skin

As a major factor in cell renewal, antioxidant protection from DNA damage and lipid barrier [...]

The 2017 super foods rich in calcium

Every year, the media proclaims that this is the year for certain, off-the-wall ingredients to [...]

Calcium supplements ARE good for the heart

Harvard Health have been one publication pursuing the calcium/heart argument and have been trying to [...]

Do vegans have low calcium diets?

Do vegans have low calcium diets? Not according to the Vegan Society who released this [...]

Are dietary sources of calcium enough?

For anyone, especially if you’re elderly, or pregnant, or breast feeding, or hypocalcaemic, or an athlete [...]

Why older people benefit from calcium citrate and vitamin D

If you’re of a certain age, you may be recommended a series of supplements to [...]

The hormone responsible for regulating elevated calcium

Did you know that calcium controls the release of hormones? Or more precisely, the parathyroid [...]

Should you take calcium with food?  

The question of whether you should take calcium with food all depends on the actual [...]

Calcium supplement with vitamin D benefits

For anyone who has been shopping around for the best calcium supplements, you will know [...]

What are calcium supplement side effects?

Like anything you can consume – food or medicine – calcium supplements have side effects. [...]

Is it better to take calcium citrate for constipation?

Some people experience a few minor problems when taking supplements. For some individuals, taking calcium [...]

What is the most effective calcium supplement for reducing constipation?

Calcium can do a lot of things, develop and build skin, hair and nails, strengthen [...]

Scientists discover another role for calcium

It isn’t news that we need calcium to keep our bones dense and strong. If [...]

Why everyone should be combining vitamin D and calcium tablets

Many people take supplements for health reasons. If things aren’t great on a dietary basis, [...]

What is the best calcium supplement for women

If you’re looking for the best calcium supplement for women, it might be worth looking [...]

Why people aren’t getting enough natural calcium

With the amount of foods that contain calcium, you would think it would be easy [...]

Calcium products help prevent hair growth

For those suffering with thinning or receding hair, there is always a never-ending search for [...]

What is the difference between calcium citrate and calcium carbonate?

Calcium citrate and calcium carbonate are the most popular forms of calcium supplement. Both are [...]

What is the best form of calcium supplement for absorption?

Calcium is a basic that the body needs to function and found in a variety [...]

The sheer importance of the right balance of calcium in the body

Over the course of this blog, we have discovered some incredible things about minerals and [...]

Are calcium supplements the new beauty craze?

It has been long regarded that calcium is a hugely important mineral inside the body [...]

When to take calcium tablets when exercising

You cannot rely on just fitness training to strengthen muscles and bones. A lot of [...]

Can a calcium supplement aid pregnancy and fertility?

According to blogger, Fertility after Forty, a woman who is looking to become pregnant positively [...]

Can taking calcium supplements improve your complexion?

The skin is the biggest organ in the body, but did you know that most [...]

Why taking calcium can ward off depression

While many of us will have learnt about calcium’s critical role in the building of [...]

Check out these calcium supplements osteoporosis facts

Calcium and vitamin D are key to a healthy skeletal system. Deficiencies in these two [...]

7 steps on how to take calcium

It’s good to be in control of what goes in your body. You may be [...]

How to MAKE your own egg shell calcium supplement

Supplements are great to take alongside a normal, balanced diet. But most supplements are only [...]

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