Why you should use hand cream

Guinot-Longue-Vie-Mains-–-Multi-Action-Vital-Hand-Care-abloomnova.net_-1600x898 Why you should use hand cream

We use hand cream throughout the day. Mostly after we wash our hands. Hand cleansers in office bathrooms and out in public are normally very harsh and stripping. Weather also affects the dryness of our hands – winter time can take its toll on our skin, and our hands – the extremities – are the body parts that get the most flack.

As Medium has mentioned, our hands could easily be considered as the busiest body part. The other parts of our body also serve many functions but may not necessarily be in constant contact with other objects the say our hands tend to be used for everything. You touch things, pick up heavy objects, get your hand dirty, and you probably lose count of the number of times you washed your hands with soap and water. All these things can dry out your skin and you will eventually feel it in your hands.

You may have realised that the skin on the back of your hand is extremely thin, so if you do not take proper care of it, the skin will suffer from exposure to sun’s harmful rays as well as dryness, which will lead your hands to age poorly. You may choose to spend hundreds or even thousands or even thousands of dollars for facial skin treatments and creams, however, if your hands look older than your own age, then your efforts to maintain a youthful look would be wasted.

Therefore, even if you do not feel any discomfort, you should still get in the habit of using hand cream throughout the day. These days, there are hand creams which contain sunblock or essence for nails, so you are recommended to do some research and find out which cream best suits your personal needs. Keep in mind only going after hand creams with the best scent or most suitable price is not advised, since different hand creams have various textures which have differing effects on your skin. For example, some people complain about the “richness” of hand cream (too heavy), in which case they could simply find a lighter hand cream which better suits their taste.

Guinot Longue vie Mains protects your skin against environmental aggressors while keeping your hands looking youthful. It also helps to reduce brown spots.

Apply a small amount of Longue Vie Mains on the hands and massage until the product is completely absorbed. Can be used at any time of day, as often as needed.

Active component:

– Cellular Life Complex: stimulates cell renewal.

– Melanoxyl: fights hyperpigmentation.

– Vitamine E: protects against environmental irritants (sun, water, etc.) due to its anti-free radical properties.

– Liposkin: nourishes and rebuilds the skin’s hydrolipidic film.

– Hydrocyte Complex: moisturises the skin.

One of Abloomnova’s many happy customers, Anne, has left this comment on our website, praising Guinot Multi-Action Vital Hand Care.

“This is one of the Guinot products which is getting better all the time. My manicurist said that she can see the difference when I use is regularly. It gets rid of the age spots on the back of my hands and strengthens the cuticles. Excellent.”

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