Calcium side effects: how harmful is carbonated water?

calcium-side-effects-from-abloomnova.net_-1600x1067 Calcium side effects: how harmful is carbonated water?

How harmful is carbonated water? Well, according to a blog by Linda Stollings, all the rumours concerning carbonated water being harmful may well be truthful – but it pays to pay attention to what you are consuming. Waters are all from different sources, so they may look the same, but they are all contain different elements.

“Bubbles or no bubbles that is the question. Seltzer water, sparking water, soda water and tonic water, are all very popular right now. In fact, sales have doubled in the past five years and carbonated water is now a one and half billion dollar business. I wish I had bought some stock in one of those companies. Oh well, maybe next time.

Many (people) are starting to choose carbonated water over sugary sodas and diet sodas, which is a good thing. But what about choosing it over still (plain) water. That is a question that many of my clients have been asking lately, so I decided to do some investigating.

All carbonated water is not created equal, so as with any other drink or food that you put in your mouth, I urge you to read the label! Carbonated water is just water plus air, (pressurised carbon dioxide gas) added to plain water. Some carbonated water has other additives as well. For example, Club soda contains sodium. Tonic water contains added sweeteners and flavors. Unfortunately, some flavored sparkling water also have added citric acid and natural or artificial sweeteners, along with caffeine and sodium. The little flavor packets that come with a home carbonator may contain sugar and calories, so if you are not careful you will be adding back in the calories that you were trying to avoid with sugary sodas. Or perhaps if your physician has told you to limit your sodium intake, some sparkling waters, tonic water, and seltzers may not be the best choice for you.

While there were some conflicting research and opinions on the hydration factor with carbonated water, most nutritionists and dietary experts agree that carbonated water does hydrate the same as plain water. There have been other concerns about carbonated water over the last few years, and they include the following. Does carbonated water cause IBS? Does Carbonated water increase the risk for calcium loss in bones as sodas do? Do carbonated waters erode teeth enamel?

  • Can carbonated water cause IBS – Experts agree that carbonated water could cause bloating, burping and gas which can lead to IBS flare-ups, but will not cause IBS. So that is worth noting if you incur a flare-up after drinking carbonated water, then the best choice for you may be plain water.
  • Can carbonated water cause calcium to be leached from the bones – The answer is no. Experts claim that the notion is unfounded. A study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, found a connection between carbonated cola drinks and lower bone mineral density. The research did not however show the same association with carbonated water. Perhaps due to the fact that colas beverages have phosphorus, which can increase the loss of calcium from the body through the kidneys”

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