Dry scalp treatment at home.

a79101fa-95ca-40b6-8ffb-3b8930350266 Dry scalp treatment at home.

If you suffer from dry hair and scalp, you’re not alone! This is a common issue many of us face. Let’s dive in to understand it better and find out how to treat dry scalp!

Problems Causing Dry Scalp:

  1. Hydrolipid Film: Our scalp has a protective layer called the hydrolipid film, which keeps our skin balanced and healthy. When this balance is disrupted, we get a dry, itchy scalp, dandruff, or red patches. This can happen due to harsh hair care products or a sensitive scalp. Internal factors like body balance also play a role.
  2. Sebaceous Glands: These glands produce sebum to keep our scalp and hair moisturized. Sometimes they produce too little or too much oil, leading to issues. Improving body balance and blood flow to the scalp can help.
  3. Aging: As we age, our scalp loses moisture. This can be improved by enhancing blood flow, changing our diet, and balancing hormones.
  4. Weather: The scalp is sensitive to temperature changes. Cold weather slows blood circulation, while hot weather speeds it up. Finding a balance is key.
  5. Stress: Stress affects scalp and hair health by tightening muscles in the shoulders and neck, reducing blood flow to the scalp. Daily shoulder and head massages can make a big difference.

Best Products for Dry Scalp and Hair:

La Biosthetique Shampooing Lipokerine B

  • Treats dry scalp with mild and soothing cleansing
  • Normalizes scalp environment
  • Improves damaged hair quality
  • Promotes shine and silkiness


  1. Comb through hair and dampen with warm water.
  2. Apply shampoo to the scalp, strand by strand, using about 7-10 ml per wash.
  3. Lightly massage scalp and lather shampoo, adding a little water at a time.
  4. Rinse out and repeat if needed.

La Biosthetique Lotion Ergines B – Lotion for Dry Scalp

  • Lotion for treating dry scalp

    Naturally stimulates the scalp and sebaceous gland secretion.

    Sustained improvement to the hydrolipid film on the scalp, alleviates

    sensation of tightness and irritation.

    Creates optimum conditions for healthy, beautiful hair.

    Improves the protective film on the scalp

    • Immediately relieves irritation and tight feeling
    • Stimulates the scalp and promotes natural secretion by the

    sebaceous glands

    • Normalises the scalp environment and improves scalp


    • Promotes natural conditions for growth and creates optimum

    prerequisites for beautiful, healthy hair

    • Complexe Vitalisant reactivates sebaceous glands and thus

    ensures the scalp has a regular supply of sebum


After washing hair with a LA BIOSTHETIQUE shampoo, apply evenly over the scalp, working strand by strand.

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